Kiswend Yamma


My name is Kiswend Yamma. I’m 28 years old and I work at ArcelorMittal Steel Service Centre Liège as intern in the maintenance team. I’m doing a Masters in Maintenance at Condorcet University in Charleroi (Belgium).

Why did you decide to join ArcelorMittal?

Firstly, because I wanted to work with a world-class company. The second reason is that, as a technician, I’m interested in the tools and machines that are used in the company. That requires me to develop a lot of skills in electrical, mechanical, and automation processes.

How do you see your career progressing?

I’d like to become maintenance manager. My manager is really a mentor, an example that I’d like to follow.

What do you like best about your job?

I really appreciate that I am integrated into projects. But what I love is to find the solution to a problem and resolve a technical failure.

Do you find your internship satisfying?

Yes, it’s very varied. I’m working with the technicians on the shopfloor, I’m involved in projects, I meet the contractors, the suppliers…

Describe a typical working day:

We start with a team meeting. Everyone is invited to share what happened the day before. In a second step, the maintenance manager distributes the tasks to the team. At the end of the day, I write a report describing what I achieved on the tasks that were assigned to me.

Describe ArcelorMittal in a few words:

It’s a dynamic company where maintenance is key. It’s very motivating as technician.